Count document in MongoDB 2016-06-27 19:56

Use db.collection.count() to count the number of documents. You can add a query filter to count the specific documents. Examples are here.

> db.user.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5761de0edd74253dfbb00591"), "_class" : "com.henryxi.mongo.template.User", "name" : "new Henry", "age" : 27 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5761de0edd74253dfbb00594"), "_class" : "com.henryxi.mongo.template.User", "name" : "new Charles", "age" : 32, "address" : { "country" : "China", "city" : "Beijing" } }
> db.user.count()
> db.user.count({name:"new Henry"})

If you do not know how to query document you can click Query document in MongoDB.