Remove Google redirection 2016-03-14 03:42

When I google something and click the search result I found google redirect my request to a long google link I don't want waste time wait google's second response(maybe it's only few millisecond). The most important is I don't want google know what I click. I google this question and found a resolution.(use google beat google, LOL) If you use chrome you can write a javascript plugin to forbid google redirect your request.

  1. create a new text file
  2. copy following code in it

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name        Any name you like
    // @namespace   Any name you like
    // @version     1.0
    // @match*
    // @match*
    // @match*
    // @match*
    // @match*
    // ==/UserScript==
    location.href = "javascript:void(function(){" + 
                    "    Object.defineProperty(window, 'rwt', { " + 
                    "        value: function(a) { return a; },  " + 
                    "        writable: false,                   " + 
                    "        configurable: false,               " + 
                    "        enumerable: false                  " + 
                    "    });                                    " + 
                    "})();                                      ";
  3. save as redirect.user.js(the file name must like this *.user.js)

  4. drag it to chrome, chrome will ask you install it or not. Of course yes!

Try google and click result again you will found redirection is missing.