SQL group by having example 2018-02-22 20:37

The key words group by is used to divided records into several groups. Let's say you have a table like following. This table is the score of course for different students. Table name is score_info

id  name    course      score
1   A       chinese     81
2   A       math        75
3   B       chinese     76
4   B       math        90
5   C       chinese     81
6   C       math        100
7   C       english     90

group by name divides records into several groups by name field. There are 3 kinds of name in this table. Execute sql

select name from score_info group by name

The output is like following.


If you want get the students who have 3 courses score, you can execute this sql.

select name from score_info group by name having count(course)>=3;

The output:


To get the students' name whose average score bigger than 80.

select name,avg(score) as average from score_info group by name having avg(score)>=80;

The output:

name    average
B       83.0000
C       90.3333