GitHub markdown code highlight identifier 2016-07-11 04:30

You can use code block in markdown to make code read easily. GitHub support different language identifier to highlight the keywords. The list of identifiers are here. Click highlight.js demo page for detail.

Language highlight code Language highlight code
1C 1c LiveCode livecodeserver
Access log accesslog LiveScript livescript
ActionScript actionscript Linden Scripting Language lsl
Ada ada Lua lua
Apache apache Makefile makefile
AppleScript applescript Markdown markdown
Arduino arduino Mathematica mathematica
ARM Assembly armasm Matlab matlab
AsciiDoc asciidoc Maxima maxima
AspectJ aspectj MEL mel
AutoHotkey autohotkey Mercury mercury
AutoIt autoit MIPS Assembly mipsasm
AVR Assembler avrasm Mizar mizar
Axapta axapta Mojolicious mojolicious
Bash bash Monkey monkey
Basic basic MoonScript moonscript
Backus–Naur Form bnf Nginx nginx
Brainfuck brainfuck Nimrod nimrod
C/AL cal Nix nix
Cap’n Proto capnproto NSIS nsis
Ceylon ceylon Objective-C objectivec
Clojure REPL clojure-repl OCaml ocaml
Clojure clojure OpenSCAD openscad
CMake cmake Oxygene oxygene
CoffeeScript coffeescript Parser3 parser3
Coq coq Perl perl
Caché Object Script cos pf pf
C++ cpp PHP php
crmsh crmsh Pony pony
Crystal crystal PowerShell powershell
C# cs Processing processing
CSP csp Python profile profile
CSS css Prolog prolog
D d Protocol Buffers protobuf
Dart dart Puppet puppet
Delphi delphi PureBASIC purebasic
Diff diff Python python
Django django Q q
DNS Zone file dns QML qml
Dockerfile dockerfile R r
DOS .bat dos RenderMan RIB rib
dsconfig dsconfig Roboconf roboconf
Device Tree dts RenderMan RSL rsl
Dust dust Ruby ruby
Elixir elixir Oracle Rules Language ruleslanguage
Elm elm Rust rust
ERB (Embedded Ruby) erb Scala scala
Erlang REPL erlang-repl Scheme scheme
Erlang erlang Scilab scilab
Excel excel SCSS scss
FIX fix Smali smali
Fortran fortran Smalltalk smalltalk
F# fsharp SML sml
GAMS gams SQF sqf
GAUSS gauss SQL sql
G-code (ISO 6983) gcode Stan stan
Gherkin gherkin Stata stata
GLSL glsl STEP Part 21 step21
Go go Stylus stylus
Golo golo Swift swift
Gradle gradle Tagger Script taggerscript
Groovy groovy Test Anything Protocol tap
Haml haml Tcl tcl
Handlebars handlebars TeX tex
Haskell haskell Thrift thrift
Haxe haxe TP tp
HSP hsp Twig twig
HTMLBars htmlbars TypeScript typescript
HTTP http Vala vala
Inform 7 inform7 VB.NET vbnet
Ini ini VBScript in HTML vbscript-html
IRPF90 irpf90 VBScript vbscript
Java java Verilog verilog
JavaScript javascript VHDL vhdl
JSON json Vim Script vim
Julia julia Intel x86 Assembly x86asm
Kotlin kotlin XL xl
Lasso lasso HTML, XML xml
LDIF ldif XQuery xquery
Less less YAML yaml
Lisp lisp Zephir zephir


Add java code in your markdown

    public class HelloWorld {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            System.out.println("hello world!");